Contact Information
William Peach
Nena Amundson Executive Director of Counseling and Wellness
Dahl Centennial Union 266
Phone: 563-387-2075
Dimensions of Wellness
The Nena Amundson Lifetime Wellness program is a multi-dimensional approach to living a healthy lifestyle for the students and employees at Luther College.
The mission of this program infuses the eight dimensions of wellness within the existing structures of the diverse Luther community:
Physical wellness also includes nutrition, sleep, and taking a break every now and then. There are many ways to enjoy an active lifestyle at Luther. Here are just a few examples:
- Walk/run on the track or play any number of sports at the Regents Center.
- Make a splash in the state-of-the-art Aquatic Center.
- Get your cardio on and pump some iron (or climb a wall) at the Legends Fitness for Life Center.
- Check out one of the many intramural sports offered throughout the school year.
- Explore ALL the events and activities Recreational Services holds year round.
- Take your bike for a ride on the Trout Run Trail.
- Check out a wellness bike share bike from Preus Library to explore downtown Decorah.
- Enjoy the great outdoors!
Financial wellness is an important component of our lives. The ability to manage income and financial responsibilities significantly impacts your overall stress, anxiety, and health. We offer guidance and education for students on topics such as how to manage student loans, budgeting before and after graduation, and the pros and cons of credit cards.
Here are some helpful links and tips to help your financial wellness
- Use GradReady, a financial literacy program, full of tips to help you manage money, pay for college, and student loan payment.
- Visit Financial Services website for more information about finances directly related to Luther
- If you have questions related to work study, scholarships, student loans, or anything else make sure to stop by Financial Aid
Emotional wellness involves knowing yourself and your purpose in the world. It also involves having the tools and internal resources to face life’s challenges.
Luther’s Counseling Service provides guidance and support for improving emotional wellness. Their website also includes lots of self-help resources and information on how to help individuals struggling with emotional wellness.
One way to help your emotional wellness is by learning to forgive yourself and others. Loren Toussaint, Professor of Psychology has devoted much of his research to just that. Learn more about the power of forgiveness and how it can help you by visiting his faculty profile.
Looking for different ways to boost your emotional wellness? Check these different practices out:
- Mindfulness
- Deep breathing
- Progressive Relaxation
College Ministries offers a host of opportunities for students, staff, and faculty who wish to join together in worship, interfaith gatherings, and small groups.
Student groups such as PALS and Alpha Phi Omega allow students to help others—and live their purpose.
Examples of Wellness-sponsored events related to spiritual well-being:
- Labyrinth walking
- Meditation
- Walks with campus pastors
Intellectual wellness involves opening your mind to new ideas and nurturing critical thinking skills. Luther’s liberal arts curriculum is designed to do just that. Through high-impact learning opportunities, students at Luther can enjoy academic growth and future success.
Students, staff, and faculty have opportunities throughout the year to read and discuss any number of topics through programming from the Center for Ethics and Public Engagement.
Luther offers a number of different types of academic support to help students achieve their intellectual and academic goals.
Tips and Tricks to expanding your intellectual wellness:
- Make a plan; prioritize what needs to get done first
- Utilize an academic planner
- Attend Campus Forums provided by academic departments, and student organizations
- Watch TED Talks
- Download different apps for daily intellectual exercises (i.e., Luminosity)
- Visit the Center for Academic Enrichment for individualized time management, and study skills help
As a residential college, Luther is a place of intersection. Founded where river, woodland, and prairie meet, we practice joyful stewardship of the resources that surround us… —from Luther’s mission statement
Understanding the connection between people and the environment is at the heart of environmental wellness. This includes knowing that we are responsible for the quality of the air, water, earth, and man-made structures around us.
There are two ways to view our environment; the one we build, and the one that is natural.
Built Environment: An example of a built environment is your residence hall room, office, a break room, or a study lounge. Here are some suggestions for making the most of these environments to boost your wellbeing.
- Students, work to keep electronics away from sleeping and studying area (at least an arm’s length away).
- Create “green space” in your room or office by adding plants.
- Students, make your residence hall room seem familiar, add pictures of family and friends from home.
Natural Environment: The Center for Sustainable Communities leads stewardship on campus, but evidence is all around:
- Renewable energy
- Campus gardens
- Recycling (since 1973!)
- Sustainability House
Over 92 percent of Luther College alumni are satisfied with their current job. And job satisfaction is a huge part of wellness!
Vocational wellness also involves finding a good balance between work and leisure, managing workplace stress, and nurturing relationships with co-workers. The Wellness Program staff offers a variety of programming to help employees manage stress and build a culture of wellness in the workplace.
The Career Center is a great resource for students and alumni who wish to explore career options.
There are plenty of ways to get involved in and around campus by volunteering with different organizations. Here are some examples, and you can get involved by visiting the Student Activities and Organizations Office:
Campus organizations:
- College Ministries
- Dance Marathon
- Habitat for Humanity
Off-campus opportunities:
- Humane Society
- United Way
- Great Strides
- Mentor with Helping Services for Youth & Families
- Local churches
- Nursing homes
Social wellness is all about relationships. Having meaningful, healthy relationships adds joy and longevity to a person’s life. Luther’s campus is an ideal place to enhance your social wellness. You can:
- Join a student organization
- Attend campus events
- Hang out with friends in a residence hall
- Volunteer with a local organization
For more information on the Luther community, visit the Student Life site. Just remember that less is more. Over-involvement is not good for wellness either. Select a few social activities you enjoy and leave the rest.
Contact Information
William Peach
Nena Amundson Executive Director of Counseling and Wellness
Dahl Centennial Union 266
Phone: 563-387-2075