Religion and Spirituality


Luther College is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. College Ministries reflects the ELCA posture of “rooted and open.” This means that our grounding in our Lutheran heritage allows us to value open inquiry about faith, life, and the world. The expansive welcome of the ELCA extends to our office. Whoever you are and whatever you believe, you are welcome here!

Learn more about the ELCA

Read more about Luther as a College of the Church

Luther College Ministries is a Reconciling in Christ partner.  We support the full welcome, inclusion, equity and participation of members of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions in all aspects of life and faith on the Luther College campus. The Luther College Student Congregation joined the RIC roster in 1995. The Reconciling in Christ program is a ministry of the grassroots organization, ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation.



RIC Logo

Luther College MinistriesRIC Logo inside LUTHER COLLEGE College Ministries logo

Luther College welcomes everyone, regardless of their religious commitments. In addition to rich worship opportunities, College Ministries at Luther offers spiritual care, faith conversations, and unconditional support. We are here to walk with you on your journey of faith and learning.

Stop by CFL 106 or email us at to connect with us!  We can’t wait to meet you.

College Ministries has been both a continuation of the church life I had in high school and a place where I have grown and made friends. It feels both essentially Lutheran and new.
Seth Semmler '28
Spanish Major
I attend chapel because it is a great way for me to slow down from the busyness of the day and reflect. It also is a great place to be in community with people whom you otherwise would never interact with.
Nathaniel Dennis '27
International Studies and Data Science Double Major

Center for Faith and Life

The Office for College Ministries and most on-campus worship events are housed in the beautiful Center for Faith and Life (CFL). The building was designed to reflect the intentional intersection of faith and learning.