Contact Information
Matt Bills, Interim
Title IX Coordinator
Office: Main 126
titleix@luther.eduPhone: 563-387-1825
Title IX
Luther College is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment where all members of its community—students, faculty, staff, and visitors—are treated with respect and dignity. Therefore, the College will not tolerate sexual misconduct in any form. Sexual Misconduct is not only an act against an individual; it is also an act that affects the entire Luther College community. Acts of sexual misconduct are inconsistent with our educational mission.
Title IX protects equal access to educational opportunities based on sex. If you believe that you have been discriminated against on the basis of your gender, or if you have experienced sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, or stalking, please use the resources in the menu on the left to get support and/or report it to us.
Note about Changes in Title IX Regulations
On April 19, 2024, the U.S. Department of Education released a new Final Rule with regulations governing how educational institutions must handle their obligations under Title IX. In July, the Eight Circuit of the Federal Court of Appeals issued an injunction preventing enforcement of that Final Rule in Iowa. In January 2025, a federal district court in Kentucky vacated the Final Rule, taking those regulations off the books entirely. The new Trump administration has now signaled that it will immediately resume enforcement of the 2020 regulations that had been in effect prior to that Final Rule.
Accordingly, Luther College has and will continue to comply with the 2020 federal Title IX regulations.
Contact Information
Matt Bills, Interim
Title IX Coordinator
Office: Main 126
titleix@luther.eduPhone: 563-387-1825