At Luther College, you don't need to be a music major to be active in the Music Department. Anyone is welcome to audition for our music ensembles or to enroll in studio instruction.
Find specific details below about auditions, placement tests, and who to contact with questions.
We can’t wait to make music with you at Luther!
Attention: This information is for accepted incoming first-year students. If you are auditioning for a music scholarship, that information can be found here:
Music Ensemble Auditions
There are two bands to play in at Luther that are open to all class years and majors: Concert Band and Symphonic Band.
All band auditions will take place Monday, September 2 through Thursday, September 5. For detailed information, visit the Band Auditions page.
Luther is pleased to offer five choral ensembles, all of which are open by audition to students from any field of study.
First-Year Singers
Interested singers and students on voice scholarships should plan to sing with Norskkor (TTBB) or Aurora (SSAA). All first-year singers will sing for the choral faculty on Sunday, September 1. For detailed information, visit the Choral Auditions page.
Sophomore, Junior & Senior Singers
For detailed information, visit the Choral Auditions page.
There are two jazz ensembles to play in at Luther: Jazz Orchestra and Jazz Band. Both are open to all class years and majors, and placement into either ensemble requires an audition.
⇒ Sign-up sheets will be posted on the Jenson-Noble Studio 163 bulletin board (Dr. Guzmán’s office).
All jazz ensemble auditions will take place at the beginning of fall semester–Monday, September 2 through Wednesday, September 4. Auditions will take place in the Sperati Band Room, except where otherwise noted.
Jazz Band and Jazz Orchestra auditions will consist of prepared jazz excerpts, sight-reading, and improvisation on a jazz standard or blues tune of your choice. Prepared excerpts are available as PDFs from your applied instructor or at the Jazz Audition webpage.
Luther offers three orchestral ensembles, open to students from all majors: Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, and Philharmonia.
Orchestra placement auditions (strings, winds, brasses, and percussion) will take place Tuesday, September 3, through Thursday, September 5, in Jenson-Noble Hall of Music. Audition signup will be posted at the main entrance to the Orchestra Room.
Full rehearsals will begin the week of September 9.
For detailed information, visit the Orchestra Auditions page.
String Players (First-Year & Transfer) Informational Meeting:
Monday, September 2, 4:30-5 p.m., Orchestra Room, Jenson-Noble Hall of Music
- Q&A with members of the Luther College string faculty.
- Topics include lessons, chamber music, orchestra auditions, lockers, and practice room policies.
- Required of all first-year & transfer string players.
- For detailed information, visit the Orchestra Auditions page.
Additional Information for All Music Students
The purpose of this appointment is to place you with a voice teacher and to give guidance in your vocal study. Please note the following:
- An appointment is required whether or not you received a voice scholarship.
- Appointments start Saturday, August 31, in the Noble Recital Hall (NRH) and will continue through Tuesday, September 3.
- Students can sign up for appointments on this Google spreadsheet.
- Prepare to sing one art song or aria during this appointment. You may sing one of the selections you sang at your scholarship audition. If you do not have an art song or aria prepared, you may sing a short familiar song, folksong, or hymn.
- An accompanist will be provided. Please submit your song information on this Google form.
- All students should be registered for MUS-130-A-voice. If you are not registered, please do so.
- For more information, please contact Beth Ray, voice area coordinator (
Music student lockers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students previously assigned a locker will maintain that locker assignment for the coming school year.
To reserve a locker, stop by the lobby area of Jenson-Noble Hall of Music during one of the following times:
- Saturday, August 31: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Sunday, September 1: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Students enrolling in MUS 121 or MUS 131 should have taken an online music theory placement exam prior to registration. Test scores determine the appropriate theory section for each student.
Questions about theory placement should be directed to Brooke Joyce.
There are abundant opportunities for students to provide piano accompaniment for instrumentalists, vocalists, choral ensembles, opera and theatrical productions on campus. Students interested in serving as accompanists in the Music Department are encouraged to contact Nicholas Shaneyfelt, (, to schedule an audition time in order to be included on the Accompanist List. Piano need not be your primary instrument. Students with any level of interest are encouraged to participate.
Accompanist auditions are low-pressure, and will be conducted with Dr. Shaneyfelt during orientation and the first week of September.
Students interested in piano should have taken an online piano placement exam prior to registration. Questions about piano placement or about the piano program in general should be directed to Du Huang.