Contact Information
Counseling Service
Larsen Hall
Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101
We cannot ensure confidentiality over email and recommend that you handle consultation and discussion of counseling issues via phone or face-to-face contact.
Phone: 563-387-1375
Fax: 563-387-1384
Resources for Faculty/Staff
Faculty and staff members may be the first college personnel to notice if a student is struggling with personal problems or mental health issues.
The role of a faculty member is simply to:
- Notice the signs that a student may be struggling.
- If the situation is an emergency, get immediate help.
- If the situation is not an emergency, talk to the student if you feel comfortable doing so. Listen, and if warranted, refer the student to others with the expertise and resources to help.
- Share what you know with the Student Engagement Office, the Counseling Service, or use the Care Report system to share your concerns.
Supporting Student Success
One of the ways you can support student success is by watching a video series from The Steve Fund and The National Center for Institutional Diversity. The series provides evidence-based information for faculty, staff, and providers on “how to foster a positive learning environment and support mental health and well-being of students of color.”
Signs That a Student May be Struggling
Observable red flags that suggest a student may be struggling and in need of help can include:
- Diminished attendance at classes, work, or co-curricular activities
- Deteriorating academic performance
- Changes in class participation
- Disruptive classroom behavior
- Withdrawal from others; spending lots of time alone
- Signs of depression: low mood; irritability; frequent crying; changes in appetite and weight; changes in sleep; low energy and motivation; loss of interest in usually pleasurable activities; diminished concentration
- Prolonged or very intense emotions
- Extreme mood changes
- References to death or suicide; expressions of despair or hopelessness
- Self-injury such as cutting or burning
- Signs of anxiety or agitation
- Significantly heightened or extreme activity level
- Poor coping and problem solving skills
- Marked distrust of most other people; paranoia
- Behavior that is a clear change from what is typical for the student
- Conversations that do not make sense; signs that the student is not in good contact with reality
- Angry, threatening, or aggressive behavior
- Talk about physically harming someone else and/or references to violence, death, or destruction
- Marked lack of interpersonal skills and related social isolation
- Significant decline in personal hygiene
- Tension headaches, changes in eating patterns, sleep disturbances, fatigue, stomachaches, and other physical pain symptoms
- Signs of substance abuse
- Seriously restricted food intake; binging and vomiting; marked weight loss; excessive exercise; other signs of disordered eating
Apart from these signs, you may be aware that a student is troubled about a personal issue, is wrestling with an important decision, or has had a recent difficult experience, such as sexual assault, the end of a significant dating relationship, the death of a family member or friend, serious family problems, or a personal or family health crisis.
How to Respond to an Emergency Situation
See Crisis Resources for more information.
Non-Emergency Situations
Ways to intervene:
- Follow up with students when they have missed a class: “I missed you today in class, are you doing ok?”
- Making a referral/recommendation to counseling based on your conversation
You can also use a syllabus statement like the following from Mental Health Services Syllabus Statement (adapted from the University of Minnesota):
As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student’s ability to participate in daily activities. Luther College Counseling Services are available to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus via the Counseling Service website.
In addition, it is usually advisable for a faculty member to share this information with at least one college office charged with responding to such situations. Even if the student reports that he or she is already involved in counseling or the student agrees to a counseling referral, it is still advisable for the faculty member to share what he or she knows about the student’s behavior and situation with one of the following college offices:
- Student Engagement Office: (563) 387-1020, or submit a Care Report
- Counseling Service: (563) 387-1375 during business hours. Please do not send personal information about a student via email
FERPA Concerns
Faculty members sometimes have concerns about whether FERPA prevents them from sharing information about students with others on campus. This is not the case. FERPA allows faculty to share information about a student with other college faculty or staff members who have a legitimate educational use for the information.
Appropriate uses can include academics, discipline, health, safety, and student welfare. In general, an appropriate purpose is one that helps the recipient of the information fulfill their professional responsibilities.
You will not be violating FERPA if you follow the procedures outlined here for alerting other campus offices when a student appears to be struggling with personal problems or mental health issues.
Contact Information
Counseling Service
Larsen Hall
Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101
We cannot ensure confidentiality over email and recommend that you handle consultation and discussion of counseling issues via phone or face-to-face contact.
Phone: 563-387-1375
Fax: 563-387-1384