Counseling Service
Larsen Hall
Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101
We cannot ensure confidentiality over email and recommend that you handle consultation and discussion of counseling issues via phone or face-to-face contact.
Phone: 563-387-1375
Fax: 563-387-1384
Resources for Parents and Caregivers
Parents are key people in the support systems of most college students. The following resources are designed to help you play a supportive, mentoring role with your student, as well as a more direct, active role when the situation warrants it.
Supporting your college student starts before they move to campus!
Download our How To Help Your Student Transition to College Guide PDF
To help you have conversations with your student prior to starting college, we have created a guide titled, “How To Help Your Student Transition To College.”
Counseling Service provides a supportive environment where students can talk openly and confidentially about personal issues. From there, they can work toward change in their thoughts, feelings, behavior, relationships, and/or life situation.
Consultation With a Counselor About Your Student
You are welcome to call the Counseling Service at (563) 387-1375 during weekdays (8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.) to consult with a counselor when you are concerned about your student’s psychological well-being. A counselor can listen to your concerns, help sort out how serious or urgent the situation may be, and determine together with you the next steps in assisting your student.
If it seems appropriate, the counselor can help you consider how you can encourage your student to seek counseling, either here or with an off-campus mental health professional. The counselor can also share information with you about other campus resources that might be helpful to your student.
If the situation is urgent and more active intervention by college staff is indicated, the counselor can facilitate this process.
Counseling Service
Larsen Hall
Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101
We cannot ensure confidentiality over email and recommend that you handle consultation and discussion of counseling issues via phone or face-to-face contact.
Phone: 563-387-1375
Fax: 563-387-1384