Reaching Forward and Back

“Thank you, Norse, for running with me.”


The Luther Blue Thread

President Jenifer K. Ward, retiring in 2025, has strengthened the fabric of Luther.

Once Driftless, Always Driftless

Since 2013, the Driftless Jazz Ensemble has cultivated a close-knit group of Luther students and alumni to share jazz favorites with the Decorah community and beyond.

Someone like Coach

A great coach can shape a lifetime. His mentees can too.

The Plume Hunter and the Icy Orb

Planetary scientist Ujjwal Raut ’01 joins a NASA mission exploring a moon with the potential for life in our solar system.

Homecoming 2024

We had a delightful Homecoming 2024, honoring people for their impacts through service, music, and athletics.

Exploring Luther’s Norwegian Roots

A yearslong project sees the publication of Sagas of Luther College: Norwegian and Lutheran Identities Past, Present, and Future.

Campus News

Aerial view of Luther with athletic facilities and fields

“With both the NCAA and the American Rivers Conference set to add women’s wrestling as a championship, the moment to join in is now,” Athletic Director Renae Hartl said.

The Impact Awards provide free tuition for up to four years to students who have a 3.5 grade point average and whose families have an adjusted gross income of $80,000 or less.

Norse News