Faculty and Staff

Brian Solberg portrait
Associate Professor of Health and Exercise Science
Health and Exercise Science Department Head

Office: Regents Center 105A

Phone: 563-387-1246

Email: solberbr@luther.edu

Kris Agena portrait
Assistant Professor of Health and Exercise Science

Office: Regents Center 105B

Phone: 563-387-1658

Email: agenkr01@luther.edu

Jeff Boeke portrait
Adjunct Faculty in Health and Exercise Science

Office: Regents Center 15

Phone: 563-387-1820

Email: boekje01@luther.edu

Steve Hornbacher portrait
Adjunct Faculty in Health and Exercise Science

Office: Regents Center

Phone: 563-387-1245

Email: hornst02@luther.edu

Adjunct Faculty in Health and Exercise Science

Office: Regents Center

Phone: 563-387-1245

Email: jaegerrj@luther.edu

Jeffrey O'Gara portrait
Adjunct Faculty in Health and Exercise Science, Equipment Room Manager and Assistant Wrestling Coach

Office: Regents Center 26

Phone: 563-387-2649

Email: ogarajef@luther.edu

Director of Men's Track and Field and Cross Country
Staff Instructor of HES

Office: Regents Center 209

Phone: 563-387-1589

Email: pascst01@luther.edu

Yarrow Pasche portrait
Director of Women's Track and Field and Cross Country
Staff Instructor of HES

Office: Regents Center 212

Phone: 563-387-1282

Email: pascya01@luther.edu

Brittany Sisk portrait
Head Volleyball Coach
Staff Instructor of HES

Office: Regents Center 217D

Phone: 563-387-1496

Email: brittany.sisk@luther.edu

Adam Strand portrait
Head Men's and Women's Tennis Coach
Staff Instructor of HES

Office: Regents Center 217C

Phone: 563-387-2181

Email: strandad@luther.edu

Ellen Drewes-Stoen

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  • Education: M.A., Mankato State University

Kent Finanger

Betty Hoff

Jay McGrew

Robert Naslund

Su Oertel

Joe Thompson

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  • Education: Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison

Jeff Wettach

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  • Education: M.A., University of Iowa

Jacki Wright

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  • Education: Ed. D., Physical Education and Sports Psychology, University of Kansas; M.A., Physical Education, University of Northern Iowa; B.A., Physical Education and Health, Luther College