Memorials, Tributes, and Trees

Memorial Gifts

A memorial gift is a meaningful way to celebrate the life of a deceased classmate, loved one, or friend. You can easily make a memorial gift to Luther by listing the deceased’s name in the dedication section of the online gift form.

Tribute Gifts

Would you like to recognize a memorable occasion–such as a graduation, marriage, or anniversary–or honor a teacher, alumnus, or friend?  Tribute gifts are a special way to acknowledge the important people and events in your life. Simply include the information in the dedication section of the online gift form.

trees on the Luther College campusRecognition Trees

Adopting a tree on Luther’s campus can serve as a living memorial, or as recognition of the impact a classmate, faculty member, loved one, or friend has made on your life. Learn more about recognition trees.

Contact Information

Rachel R. Vsetecka ’09
Director of Donor Relations

Phone: 563-387-1286

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