Groups and Organizations

Pastor Melissa Bills

Director of College Ministries
College Pastor
Center for Faith and Life 108

Phone: 563-387-1042

Office for College Ministries

Phone: 563-387-1040

The Office for College Ministries sponsors, supports, and partners with a variety of student organizations and interest groups.

Contact for information about the following organizations.

Council for Faith and Life

CFAL is a student advisory council that works with the Office for College Ministries to oversee the role of faith in campus life and to build/maintain collaborative relationships across departments, faith traditions, and the wider community. CFAL is open to students of all faith traditions, backgrounds, and commitments.  Interested?  Fill out this interest form.

College Ministries Outreach

Outreach teams are student-led mobile ministry groups who specialize in worship leadership and youth ministry support for congregations within a 100-mile radius of Decorah. As a member of an Outreach team, you partner with congregations by leading worship, organizing Bible studies or faith formation events, and planning youth events, including retreats and lock-ins.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

FCA, an interdenominational and evangelical organization, strives to strengthen the moral, mental, and spiritual fibers of athletes, coaches, and all interested non-athletes through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. For more information check out


Student-led weekly worship community that seeks to encourage and energize faith through connection with God and one another.

Men’s & Women’s Groups

Student-led Bible study groups that meet weekly for reflection and prayer, welcoming those in every step of their faith journey.

Tuesday Night Discipleship (TND)

TND meets weekly with the goal of strengthening spiritual life through interactive Bible study, prayer, worship & Christian fellowship.



The Office for College Ministries has a button maker and we’re glad to share it with Luther student orgs! We have the button maker and all the supplies you need for your project. Cost is $.30/button.To reserve the equipment, contact

Pastor Melissa Bills

Director of College Ministries
College Pastor
Center for Faith and Life 108

Phone: 563-387-1042

Office for College Ministries

Phone: 563-387-1040