Pastor Melissa Bills
Director of College Ministries
College Pastor
Center for Faith and Life 108
Phone: 563-387-1042
The Office for College Ministries sponsors, supports, and partners with a variety of student organizations and interest groups.
Contact for information about the following organizations.
Council for Faith and Life (CFAL)
CFAL is a student advisory board that works with the Office for College Ministries to advocate for and create religious, interfaith, and spiritual opportunities on campus and in the community. Interested? Complete this interest form. To learn more, please email
1st and 3rd Tuesdays
9:45 a.m.
Qualley Lounge (CFL)
College Ministries Outreach
On hiatus but is currently looking to rebuild in 2024-25.
Student-led mobile ministry teams that plan and lead worship events and youth ministry events in regional congregations. To learn more, please email
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
FCA, an interdenominational and evangelical organization, strives to strengthen the moral, mental, and spiritual fibers of athletes, coaches, and all interested non-athletes through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Visit To learn more, please email
8 p.m.
Rock Room (Regents)

Bible study and mini-worship gathering. Each month, we’ll focus on topics related to the college student experience through the lens of faith. For more information, please email
1st and 3rd Sundays
7 p.m.
CFL Recital Hall

Women’s and Men’s Groups
Student-led Bible study groups that meet weekly for reflection and prayer, welcoming those in every step of their faith journey.
To learn more about the women’s group, please email: For more information about men’s group, please email

Tuesday Night Discipleship (TND)
Weekly gathering for students seeking Christian fellowship and spiritual growth. Build relationships and deepen your walk of faith through worship time, Bible teaching, and prayer. To learn more, please emailÂ
7:30 p.m.
Location: varies
Catholic Student Community
On hiatus but looking to rebuild in 2024-25.Â
Fellowship and activities for Roman Catholic students. This group also helps arrange opportunities for attending Mass. To learn more, please email
The Office for College Ministries has a button maker and we’re glad to share it with Luther student orgs! We have the button maker and all the supplies you need for your project. Cost is $.30/button.To reserve the equipment, contact
Pastor Melissa Bills
Director of College Ministries
College Pastor
Center for Faith and Life 108
Phone: 563-387-1042