Schedule a Campus Event

Planning your event at Luther College requires the coordination of personnel, facilities, and the campus schedule. The Programming and Outreach office manages the college calendar and serves as a clearing-house and resource center for campus events.

Please read the policies for Campus Events and Programming before going any further.

Event Planning

  • Explore the Calendar of Events for an overview of scheduled events.
  • If you want help identifying the best date and location for your event, contact Programming and Outreach at or 563-387-1291.
  • If you are ready to request a date and location, submit the Campus Event Request Form.
  • If you are considering planning a series or a new annual event, please go to Planning a Series of Events or Annual Event.
  • If you’re interested in using Luther facilities for a conference, personal event, or summer gathering, contact or 563-387-1538.
  • For receptions and meetings requiring refreshments or meals, contact Catering Services to be sure they have capacity on the day of your event, and to make arrangements.
    • Please note that for events in the Union, campus catering is the only permitted option.
    • The Union, the Center for the Arts, and Baker Commons are the venues on campus with a beer and wine license.
  • If your event requires a particular set-up or extra tables and chairs, contact facilities by placing a fixit request. (Catering will supply tables for food service, but you will need to order tables for seating if needed.)
  • If your event is in the Center for Faith and Life, use this form to contact CFL technicians, or call 563-387-1537 to arrange for lights and sound. If it’s elsewhere, Programming and Outreach can direct you to the appropriate resource for a PA and other tech support, depending on the venue. Student Organizations should go to the Student Activities office in the Union for assistance.
  • If you plan to livestream or record your event, submit this form or contact the IT help desk at 563-387-1000.
  •  If your event requires advance ticket sales, contact the Luther College Box Office to request ticketing services.
  • Write a robust description of your event for the online events calendar ( This can include an associated image, a bio, a visiting speaker or artist’s website, or other information that might help attract attendees to your event. Send it to
  • Design a poster.
    • DIY: find Luther logos and read about logo usage in the Logo Style Guide.
    • Faculty and staff may submit a Creative Work Request to Marketing and Communications for design work. Posters or other promotional pieces will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Request forms and all event content are due one month in advance of the date when you need to print the posters.
  • Send your poster to the Document Center, or stop by their office on the ground floor of Main.
  • Stamp your posters in the Student Activities office in the Union before hanging on campus bulletin boards.
  • Add your event to campus digital screens: Contact Annette Laitinen in Programming and Outreach.
  • Submit a notice of 75 words or less for the student Bulletin, and the faculty/staff Tuesday newsletter.
  • Advertise in the cafeteria napkin holders.
  • Advertise in the Union restrooms.
  • Contact if you would like your event posted to or considered for inclusion in a Luther community newsletter.

To reserve a space on campus, please use a Chrome browser to view and complete this form.

Complete the Event Description form so your event can be added to the Calendar of Events at

Your proposal must be submitted two weeks in advance if your event is being scheduled during Marty’s operating hours: Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-midnight; Sunday, 1 p.m.-midnight (events may not begin before 9 p.m. Mondays; or before 7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday). In all other cases, advance notice of three days is required. there will be no exceptions. Your event must be open to the entire Luther community. Failure to complete all information will result in the rejection of this proposal.

Additional Information

Any movement of furniture must be approved by Marty’s Management three days in advance.

Absolutely no smoking and no alcoholic beverages are allowed.

Marty’s is first and foremost a place of service and entertainment for the Luther community. Any unreasonable requests which infringe on Marty’s business will not be honored. Only Marty’s menu items will be allowed unless prior arrangements are made with Dining Services.


If your event is not scheduled during Marty’s regular hours, you must have returned Marty’s to its original condition by opening time that same day.

If your event is scheduled during Marty’s regular hours, the activity must conclude by closing time (12 a.m.), and all cleanup must be completed by 11:30 p.m.

The only exception to this rule would be a group who needs access to the elevator to remove their equipment from Marty’s. In this case, prior arrangements must be made with the Coordinator of Student Activities (phone #1023).

If your organization fails to meet any of the above requirements, a fine of $25 will be assessed for each day that your items remain in Marty’s. Any and all damages will be charged to your organization’s account.


Check with the Programming and Outreach Office regarding date and facility availability.

When you have secured a date for your event, you will receive a facility usage form via email which will need to be submitted to complete the reservation process.

Vice President approval is required for a series or new annual event. The goal is to keep new initiatives embedded in a larger conversation of organizational goals and resource requirements (human and budget resources).

From handbook. 601.1:

Pre-approval is required for scheduling a series of events. (series = more than two events that are related by theme, time span, or organizing group. This includes special emphasis “weeks” and proposed new annual events). Faculty and staff organizers need to send an overview of the series, proposed number of dates, and funding sources at least three months in advance to the appropriate vice president. Student groups need to send the same information to the appropriate program or department head (LDC, SAC, College Ministries, an academic department head, etc.).

Note: pre-approval by a vice president or department head does not guarantee a specific facility or time on the calendar.

Please respond to the following standard questions and send the information to your appropriate vice president or department head and the Director of Programming and Outreach.

The proposal should address the following items:

  • What is the purpose of the event?
  • In what way does existing programming not address the goals of this event?
  • How does it further Luther’s mission?
  • Is there another group or department to co-sponsor the event?
  • How will it be funded?
  • Estimated dates, and alternate date considerations and their implications
  • Proposed facilities, and what other on-campus resources will be required for this series or event.
  • Are there any challenges or considerations related to this proposal?

The designated vice president or department may follow up with you, the Programming and Outreach Office, or related partners on campus in the consideration of the proposal. He/she will respond to you and the Programming and Outreach Office to confirm the outcome.

If you would like your campus event to be ticketed, please contact the Ticket Office Manager at 563-387-1293 to make arrangements.

Once your event has been approved for ticketing services by the Ticket Office Manager, you will send the following information to

  1. Primary contact’s name, email, phone number
  2. Sponsoring department or organization
  3. Name of beneficiary, if your event is a fundraiser
  4. Title
  5. Date
  6. Start time
  7. Location
  8. Ticket prices (Adult, Senior, Youth, Luther Student)
  9. Date the tickets will go on sale
  10. Description of the event
  11. Artist’s website (if applicable)
  12. Photo or publicity image for the ticket page (if available)

If your event is in the Center for Faith and Life, you will need to provide ushers.

All online ticket sales will have a $2 to $3 per ticket transaction fee (paid by the patron). The fee goes to the Ticket Office and helps cover ticketing software expenses.

In the event of any changes, please contact the Ticket Office Manager immediately at 563-387-1293.

This policy outlines the basic guidelines for acceptable use of college facilities.

View Campus Events and Programming Policy

For organizations wishing to utilize Bentdahl Commons in Baker Village:

Read the Bentdahl Commons Scheduling Guidelines