Admissions Timeline

International Students and U.S. Students Abroad Admissions Timeline

In early January each year, the International Admissions Committee begins the process of reading over 700 files of international students and U.S. students living abroad who are applying for the August intake period (the preferred intake at Luther since this is the start of the academic year). For students whose files were completed by January 1 (Early Action), admissions status notification will be sent by February 1 (admit, deny, wait list, reconsider with Regular Decision applicants).

The Admissions Committee will then continue to read applications of students whose files were completed in January and February (Regular Decision) with notification occurring in late March. After the Regular Decision notification, files continue to be reviewed as they are completed until the class is full.

For some students, it may be more convenient to begin at Luther midyear. This is particularly true for students from countries where the educational calendar is significantly different from the U.S. school calendar. We do, therefore, allow some students to begin midyear.

For consideration, all completed admissions and financial aid documents must be submitted by the following deadlines:

  • Early Action: January 1 deadline (for notification by February 1; non-binding)
  • Regular Decision (for Fall Semester beginning in August): March 1 priority deadline
  • Regular Decision (for Spring Semester beginning in February): November 1 priority deadline

Students may apply regular decision after the priority deadline and will be considered on a space-available/financial aid-available basis.

International Admissions Office

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101

Phone: 563-387-1445
Fax: 563-387-2159