Faculty and Staff

Kirk Larsen portrait
Professor of Biology

Office: Sampson Hoffland Lab 190E

Phone: 563-387-1558

Email: larsenkj@luther.edu

Eric Baack portrait
Professor of Biology
Biology Department Head

Office: Sampson Hoffland Lab 190G

Phone: 563-387-1087

Email: baacer01@luther.edu

Scott Carlson portrait
Professor of Biology
Global Health Program Director

Office: Sampson Hoffland Lab 290G

Phone: 563-387-1552

Email: carlsosc@luther.edu

Mark Eichinger portrait
Associate Professor of Biology

Office: Sampson Hoffland Lab 290C

Phone: 563-387-1551

Email: eichma01@luther.edu

Jodi Enos Berlage portrait
Professor of Biology

Office: Sampson Hoffland Laboratories 290F

Phone: 563-387-1554

Email: enosbejo@luther.edu

Stephanie Fretham portrait
Associate Professor of Biology
Neuroscience Program Director

Office: Sampson Hoffland Lab 290H

Phone: 563-387-1555

Email: frethams@luther.edu

Brian Hiester portrait
Assistant Professor of Biology

Office: Sam Hoffland Lab 290B

Phone: 563-387-1550

Email: hiesbr01@luther.edu

Elizabeth Lynch portrait
Associate Professor of Biology

Office: Sampson Hoffland Lab 190F

Phone: 563-387-1248

Email: lynchbet@luther.edu

Molly McNicoll portrait
Professor of Biology

Office: Sampson Hoffland Laboratories 190F

Phone: 563-387-1257

Email: mcnimo01@luther.edu

Dawn Reding portrait
Associate Professor of Biology

Office: Sampson Hoffland Lab 190A

Phone: 563-387-1700

Email: redida01@luther.edu

Gwen Strand portrait
Instructor in Biology

Office: Sampson Hoffland Lab 290A

Phone: 563-387-1177

Email: stragu01@luther.edu

Michelle Einck portrait
Science Departments Academic Administrative Assistant

Office: Sampson Hoffland Lab 231

Phone: 563-387-1117

Email: einckmic@luther.edu

Jesse Winter portrait
Science Technical Support Staff

Office: Sampson Hoffland 290D, Valders 277

Phone: 563-387-1559

Email: wintje02@luther.edu

Robert Fitton portrait

Office: Sampson Hoffland Lab 190E

Email: fittonro@luther.edu