Center for Academic Enrichment

Center for Academic Enrichment (CAE)
Luther College
700 College Drive, Preus Library, Suite 108D
Decorah, IA 52101

Phone: 563-387-1270

Probation Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers to any questions you might have concerning academic probation.

You are placed on academic probation when you do not meet the cumulative grade point average for Luther courses only. Below you will find the minimum GPA needed to avoid being placed on academic probation based on the credits earned at Luther.

Hours Minimum Cumulative GPA

  • 0-26: 1.75
  • 27-59: 1.90
  • 60-graduation: 2.00

You will also be placed on probation if your semester GPA is less than 1.0.

The Registrar’s Office will notify you once final grades have posted if you are placed on academic probation.

If you’re placed on academic probation, you must meet with your academic advisor and a member of the CAE Office. You will also need to complete the Academic Success Action Plan (ASAP), which helps to identify and list expectations designed to encourage academic improvement. You will be required to set up regular appointments with a CAE staff member to establish methods of support.

If you’re on an ASAP. You are:

  1. Complete an individual ASAP.
  2. Participate in academic success programming housed in the Office of Student Success (OSS). (Ex: Atomic Frogs, Accountability Groups, Academic Success Workshops).
  3. Attend regularly scheduled meetings with an academic success coach from CAE, TRIO SSS, and/or Athletics.
  4. Attend scheduled meetings and/or regularly check in with Academic Advisor.
  5. Attend scheduled meetings and/or regularly check in with relevant professors.
  6. Attend tutoring sessions, as needed.
  7. Required to meet with a Financial Aid counselor.

Yes, but you should always check with the Financial Aid Office at 563-387-1018 to determine your aid eligibility.

To achieve good academic standing, you must improve your cumulative GPA to the minimum level or higher as stated above. OSS (Office of Student Success) is here to support you through this bump in the road.

No. In compliance with NCAA Division III rules, students on academic probation may not compete on any intercollegiate athletic team.

Center for Academic Enrichment

Center for Academic Enrichment (CAE)
Luther College
700 College Drive, Preus Library, Suite 108D
Decorah, IA 52101

Phone: 563-387-1270