NECU Chaplains Gathering

November 6-9, 2023
Scottsdale, AZ
Share your travel information with us!

Join with other ELCA College pastors for a time of retreat, reflection, and renewal.

Our time together will include…

  • peer-facilitated conversation on a variety of topics
  • shared meals
  • an update from Rev. Lamont Wells (Executive Director of NECU)
  • worship
  • plenty of time for rest and/or adventure

This gathering is a yearly highlight for many. It is a time to be seen and affirmed in your work while reveling in being in the same space as other folks who “get it.” It is full of connections, problem solving, benchmarking, and healing. If you have questions, you may reach out to anyone on the planning team: Melissa Bills (Luther), Maggie Falenschek (Wartburg), and Chris Bowen (Roanoke).

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