Inclusive Teaching Resources

CELT provides Luther faculty with a range of resources that define inclusive teaching and offer strategies for constructing inclusive classroom environments.

These strategies include everything from incorporating diverse perspectives into course content to creating an inclusive classroom climate where all students feel valued and able to thrive.

Faculty Resources

The following lists of resources has been prepared by David Thompson, Luther College professor of Spanish. Please feel free to contact to recommend additional related resources.

Racial Proficiency and Facilitating Conversations on race in the Classroom

(NB: The moniker “difficult moments” or “difficult conversations” may be harmful, as it stigmatizes a proficiency that we should pursue and develop, not avoid. See the article by Derisa Grant in IHE for an explanation.)

Resources on Racial Awareness, Race Talk, and Anti-Racism in Education

Contact Info

Christy Vrtis
Assistant Director of CELT
Instructor in Paideia

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, IA 52101

Phone: 563-387-1587