Circulation Services
This is the Place to Go to Check Out:
- Books
- CDs, record albums, and software
- Media equipment, such as laptops (for in-library use only), digital video cameras, USB flash drives, and external hard drives
- Keys for individual and group study rooms, faculty carrels, and storage lockers
- Bypass keys for copiers and microfilm
At the Circulation Desk, You Can:
- Obtain directions to other library departments and general information about the library
- Return checked out items when you are finished with them. Should you need to return library materials after hours, there is a book drop located in the library entryway.
- Request a Recall of an item currently checked out.
- Ask to use a book or journal stored in the Closed Stacks or Rare Book Room
- Pay fines and lost book charges
- Request a senior study carrel
- Apply for a community library card
- Apply for a work-study position in the library
- Get change for copiers and microfilm reader-printers
- Purchase transparencies
Other equipment available in the library:
- Paper cutter
- Hole punch
- Stapler