Contact Information
Nathan Ersig ’98
Senior Development Officer and Director of Advancement Systems and Strategy
Phone: 563-387-1510
Fred Nyline Distinguished Award in Music
The Fred Nyline Distinguished Award in Music was recently established by Jaime (Rowe) ’00 and Matt Titus ’01 in honor of Fred Nyline, Luther professor emeritus of music.
Professor Nyline conducted Luther’s Concert Band, Varsity Band, and Wind and Percussion Ensemble, from 1973 to 2011, and also taught advanced instrumental conducting. Before joining the Luther faculty, Nyline served on the faculty of the University of Minnesota as associate director of bands and director of the University Men’s Chorus. He has been a guest faculty member at the University of Illinois and director of bands in the Austin, Minnesota, school system, and he has frequently served as guest conductor for the Musashino Academia Wind Ensemble in Tokyo, Japan. Professor Nyline has also served as festival director, guest conductor, and adjudicator throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and the Pacific Rim, including such locations as Alaska, Hawaii, Japan, Okinawa, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Under his direction, the Luther College Concert Band performed at numerous state and national music conventions, participated in yearly Midwest tours, two European tours, two extended tours of the West Coast and Hawaii, and three tours of Japan and China.
The idea to recognize Fred Nyline for his years of service came about during the fall of 2018, while the esteemed Dr. Jack Stamp – composer, conductor, and educator – was serving as Luther’s acting director of bands.
If you were a high school or college band director from the 1980’s to the present, you were well aware of the name Fred Nyline. After I was given the marvelous opportunity to be Luther’s acting director of bands in the fall of 2018 as a sabbatical replacement, I was eager to help create a lasting recognition of Professor Nyline’s 38 years of service to the Music Department, through a scholarship fund that would be awarded to the Luther student who exemplifies the spirit of the Music Department in participation and attitude.
Dr. Jack Stamp
In October 2020, a small group of alumni, friends, and former faculty and staff, surprised Professor Nyline via Zoom with the announcement of the award.
I am overwhelmed by the feeling of pride and humility following the announcement of this scholarship in my name. The years as a Luther faculty member and band director were the best years of my life. Luther College is a wonderful place, and I am so grateful for the years I spent on its beautiful campus and have wonderful memories of all the young musicians I met while there.
Fred NylineProfessor Emeritus of Music
The Fred Nyline Distinguished Award in Music will be given annually to a junior or senior whose character, leadership, and participation in the music program demonstrate a strong contribution to the program in a way that embraces the spirit and mission of Luther College. The recipient will be a member of the Luther College Concert Band and be in good academic standing.
The Titus Challenge and Making a Gift
Thanks to the generosity of Jaime (Rowe) ’00 and Matt Titus ’01, their gift will serve as a matching challenge for all gifts to this new endowed scholarship, up to $25,000, helping this fund reach $50,000 or more.
$25,000 matching challenge (as of 04/30/2021):
- $6,445 – matching dollars committed
- $18,555 – matching dollars remain
Gifts and pledges of all sizes are appreciated. Multiyear pledges may be fulfilled over five years. For more information, please call the Development Office at 800-225-8664 to speak with a development officer, or make your gift today.
2020-2021 Recipient
Interim director of bands, Dr. Cory Near, has selected Luther College senior Nathan Anderson as the inaugural recipient of the Fred Nyline Distinguished Award in Music. Read more…
Contact Information
Nathan Ersig ’98
Senior Development Officer and Director of Advancement Systems and Strategy
Phone: 563-387-1510