Data and Rankings

Access basic data about Luther College and find out how outside sources rank us in comparison to other colleges and universities.


Find basic information on Luther College and nearly 7,000 other colleges and universities in the United States by visiting College Navigator. This website primarily presents the latest data collected by the National Center for Education Statistics.

For decades, we’ve found success hiring and developing Luther College graduates into leadership roles at Fastenal. We keep going back to recruit at Luther year after year based on their track record of success with us.

Matt Loos ’96
IT Manager, Fastenal Company


We recommend that you consult a variety of sources to find the best college fit for you, including those listed here.

A Top National Liberal Arts College

U.S. News and World Report‘s Best Colleges ranks colleges using data such as graduation and retention rates, social mobility indicators, student debt, graduates’ earnings, faculty and financial resources, academic reputation, and student excellence. In the latest edition of this annual guide, Luther ranks among the top National Liberal Arts Colleges.

International Diversity

Luther ranks among the Schools with the Most International Students for National Liberal Arts Colleges in U.S. News and World Report‘s America’s Best Colleges. Students from 77 different countries (in 2024–25) enrich the Luther community and educational experience.

Hidden Gem College

College Raptor helps students and families find affordable schools that meet their career goals. It released a list of “Hidden Gem Colleges in the U.S.,” ranking Luther as the Hidden Gem of the state of Iowa as well as the #1 Iowa Hidden Gem of the Plains Region (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024).

One of the Best College Towns in America

Luther’s hometown of Decorah was ranked among the Top 50 Best College Towns in the U.S. based on public schools, cost of living, job opportunities, crime, and local amenities.

Best Value College

Luther ranks among the top 10 best-value colleges in Iowa, according to SmartAsset Advisors, based on our financial aid awards, graduation rates, living costs, and our graduates’ starting salaries.

Sustainability Commitment

Luther is #7 among baccalaureate institutions nationally on the Sustainable Campus Index (AASHE 2024 Sustainable Campus Index). Rankings are measured by the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS). Luther’s Center for Sustainable Communities promotes sustainability and serves as a catalyst for change.