Decorah Power Discussion with Dave Berg

Valders Hall of Science, 206

Join Decorah Power for an educational event with energy consultant Dave Berg, who specializes in financial services to utilities, especially rate related services. […]

Biology Colloquium

Valders Hall of Science, 206

"White Nose Syndrome in Bats and Infant Mortality in Georgia", Simon Metcalfe, Augusta University

J-term 2026 Off-Campus Course Reveal

Valders Hall of Science, 206

Come hear about the exciting courses proposed for January 2026. Pick up the brochure listing all courses and find out […]

Biology Colloquium

Valders Hall of Science, 206

"Understanding Nature's Alchemists: Applications of Targeted and Untargeted Metabolomics in Life Sciences", Kate Freund Saxhaug '11, Dept. of Horticultural Sciences, […]

Biology Colloquium

Valders Hall of Science, 206

"Five Steps to the Sea—How Land Animals Became "Sea Monsters" in the Dinosaur Era", Ryosuke Motani, Ph.D. PBK lecture, Professor […]

Biology Colloquium

Valders Hall of Science, 206

"Blending Butterfly Conservation within Agroecosystems", Katheryn Kral-O'Brien, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, Iowa State University