Preus Library
700 College Dr.
Decorah, IA 52101
GPS/911 address:
575 Library St.
Spring Term Hours
Sunday: Noon – Midnight
Mon.-Thurs.: 7:30 a.m. – Midnight
Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: Noon – 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 563-387-1166
More Information
For more information about copyright policies and practices at Luther College, contact:
Kay Bronshteyn
Library Director
Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, IA 52101
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
The registered Copyright Agent for Luther College as specified in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is:
Adam Forsyth
Director of Network and Systems
Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, IA 52101
Luther College has policies and practices in place that insure its HEOA Compliance including technology-based deterrents and mechanisms for educating and informing the Luther community about copyrighted material.
Copyright Frequently Asked Questions
Likely No. Fair use provisions allow for spontaneous use of copyrighted material. This only applies to the first use of content and does not apply to any subsequent uses. Repeated use of content in a course generally does require copyright clearance unless the work was originally created by the instructor.
Yes. The use is not the first use of the item, nor is it spontaneous. Copyright is not media specific but relates to the use of the intellectual content. In this case, copyright clearance must be sought.
Likely yes. Thanks to repeated extensions of copyright protection, Mickey Mouse is still owned by the Disney Corporation. Unauthorized use is prohibited and a violation of copyright law.
Likely yes. Both the photographer of the artwork, and the artist who created the artwork have some rights over the use of the image. Generally in these cases, it is better to take the photograph personally and cite the artist.
Likely no, unless copyright of the item has been assigned to another person or entity.
Likely no. Libraries are granted specific provisions in copyright law to make preservation copies of materials under certain conditions. In many cases, the library will try to purchase an original DVD as a replacement in these cases.
Most likely yes. Films used in public performance situations must have public performance rights purchased with the film. At Luther, the majority of all media purchased do not carry public performance licenses. Therefore separate permissions must be obtained prior to showing them in a public setting. Use in classroom settings is permissible under copyright law.
Most likely yes. Films and movies purchased by individuals are licensed for home viewing only and do not include permissions for public performance. Often public performance rights can be negotiated with the film’s owner.
Most likely yes. Making copyrighted media available for download and offline viewing is not permissible under copyright law or the TEACH Act. It may be possible under the TEACH Act to stream this material provided the appropriate tests are applied. Fair use might also allow use of portions of this material.
No. This is a great way to provide access to licensed content for students without reproducing the content itself.
Most likely yes. Duplicating material in this fashion (unless entirely created by the instructor) requires copyright clearance on each individual portion of the coursepack.
Maybe. If the intellectual content contained in the MP3 file was created and owned by the faculty member then likely no. If the recording was made by another individual and contains music composed by others, then providing downloadable copies of the material likely violates copyright.
Preus Library
700 College Dr.
Decorah, IA 52101
GPS/911 address:
575 Library St.
Spring Term Hours
Sunday: Noon – Midnight
Mon.-Thurs.: 7:30 a.m. – Midnight
Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: Noon – 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 563-387-1166