Admissions Office

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101

Phone: 563-387-1287

Inside College Admissions: Mental Health in College

desk with computer

Learn about ways you can better manage your use of technology and achieve more balance with your personal health, relationships, and learning.

February 8, 2024
person laying on floor

Learn how to anticipate potential holiday stressors and why a little self-care goes a long way when it comes to maintaining good mental health.

December 15, 2023
Parent loading the car to help their student move home for the summer

College students experience lots of growth throughout the academic year that makes them more independent. In this post, Counseling Service Director Meg Hammes shares some thoughts on what parents and students should discuss before or immediately after returning home for the summer.

May 11, 2023
students enjoy conversation and coffee at local coffee shop Impact Coffee

The feelings many of us face on Sunday night often reflect our responsibilities for the next day, whether it’s related to work or school. Get some helpful tips on how to balance your time to make it an easier transition.

March 3, 2022
students actively doing yoga during yoga class

Burnout is a real issue that many students and adults face. Prioritizing what’s important can make the entire college experience more enjoyable and rewarding.

September 29, 2021
person sits at desk with paper and computer

You’re ready and excited about the opportunities college will offer. But, do you worry about how you’ll be able to balance it all? Get some practical tips on how to manage any college-related stress so you can focus on doing your best!

March 11, 2019
drawing of a brain and heart balanced on a scale

When you’re just starting college, there’s a lot to think about and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. Get some tips on how you can maintain good mental health from a student outreach assistant at Luther’s Counseling Service.

December 17, 2018
students chat in their dorm as one holds a guitar

There’s a lot of excitement generated around going to college. There’s also the reality that it will be the first time you’ve been away from home for a longer period of time. Read this article for some tips on how to overcome getting homesick.

December 3, 2018
person holding white flag

Learn how a campus counseling service can be a valuable resource for college students.

April 9, 2018

Admissions Office

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101

Phone: 563-387-1287

Admissions Office

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101

Phone: 563-387-1287

Admissions Office

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101

Phone: 563-387-1287

Admissions Office

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101

Phone: 563-387-1287

Admissions Office

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101

Phone: 563-387-1287

Admissions Office

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101

Phone: 563-387-1287

Admissions Office

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101

Phone: 563-387-1287

Admissions Office

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101

Phone: 563-387-1287

Admissions Office

Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101

Phone: 563-387-1287