Storm Bailey

Education: Ph.D., University of Madison, Wisconsin; B.A., Wheaton College
Storm Bailey is a professor in the philosophy department, focusing on the topics of logic and ethics. Some of his course topics include Logic, Philosophy of Science, Enduring Questions, Ethical Choices, and Scholars Colloquium.
Personal Statement on Philosophy
Philosophy is everybody’s business, because it is the attempt to explore the underlying assumptions of all areas of human thought and life. Not everyone systematically studies philosophy, but everyone depends on philosophical views and assumptions. Involving others in reflection about commitments is a source of deep joy for me.
PHIL 110: Logic
A study of reasoning and argumentation, introducing formal symbol systems, including propositional and predicate logic, with attention to informal logic and fallacies.
HONR 130: Scholars Colloquium
This is a discussion-based course that provides small-group discussions of readings, local or national current events or issues, and cultural and intellectual events available on campus. These events may include lectures (by Luther faculty members and visiting scholars and dignitaries), concerts (ranging from classical to jazz to contemporary), theater and dance performances, films, poetry readings, and art shows.
PHIL 230: Philosophy of Science
A study of the nature of scientific methodology, which has entitled the sciences (especially the natural sciences) to their authoritative status as reliable sources of knowledge and rational belief. This involves issues such as the relation between theory and evidence, the nature of confirmation, explanation, probability, and rational considerations in delivering and consuming scientific information. Prerequisite: one course in philosophy, or two courses in natural science. Offered alternate years.
PHIL 485: Seminar
In-depth study of specific topics or philosophers in seminar format, designed for students with significant experience in philosophy.
Paideia 111, 112: Enduring Questions
A two-semester common course for all first-year students that addresses questions central to the human condition. It develops students’ ability to read, write, analyze, discuss, and research by engaging with works from across the disciplines, drawn from different time periods and parts of the globe. As a signature course and a foundation for liberal learning, “Enduring Questions” is taught by faculty from all divisions of the college. Students may not withdraw from Paideia 111 or 112. If they fail the course, they must retake it in the next semester it is offered.
PAID 450: U.S. Schools (Hawaii)
This course examines issues about schooling in the United States and explores the questions which educators, citizens, parents and students face regarding education. In addition to looking at features of schools, students examine the relationship between religion, politics and economics in the schools of our nation. Students explore religious and secular values and their effect on educational decisions and behaviors, particularly as those values related to ethnicity, race, class and gender. The course also discusses how contemporary educators, parents, citizens and students must understand the legacy of historical decisions about schools that continue to influence modern systems of education.
- Ph.D., University of Madison
- B.A., Wheaton College
Professor Bailey specializes in ethics and political philosophy, with particular interest in the foundations of liberal political theory. He teaches courses in ethics and political philosophy.
Professor Bailey was named the Dennis M. Jones Distinguished Professor in the Humanities for the 2009-2011 school years.
- “Tolerance and Hospitality as Virtues,” Journal of Analytical Teaching, 23:1 (Fall 2002)
- “Uneasy Partners? Religion and Academics,” Academe, 87:1 (Jan-Feb 2001) reprinted in Intersections 11 (Spring 2002)