The Luther College Nursing Department provides a hands-on approach to studying nursing through the liberal arts. As a graduate of Luther’s nursing program, you will be ready to work in a variety of healthcare settings.
You’ll learn how to:
- Perform person-centered care across varied locations and levels
- Assess, collaborate, and advocate for the optimal health of individuals, families, and populations
- Incorporate an evidence-based practice approach to clinical decision making
- Collaborate with care team members, patients, and others in the provision of care to enhance the healthcare experience and strengthen outcomes
- Integrate clinical judgment in a complex health care environment to provide safe, quality, and equitable care to diverse populations
- Safely use and implement healthcare technology standards across healthcare settings
In 2023, Luther nursing graduates achieved a 90% first time pass rate on the nursing licensing exam (NCLEX-RN).
Learn More About Luther College Nursing
The baccalaureate degree in nursing at Luther College is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001. Telephone: 202-887-6791.
Baccalaureate degree (BA) with a major in Nursing
The BA program at Luther College academically qualifies graduates to complete the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), just as graduates with bachelor’s of science degrees. Successful completion of the NCLEX-RN positions graduates with the RN credential necessary to enter practice.
The BA nursing degree at Luther College integrates liberal arts with science courses, along with nursing didactic, lab, and clinical courses. The nursing program at Luther College is approved by the Iowa Board of Nursing (IBON) and accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
CCNE accreditation assures that the Luther College Nursing program meets all of the requirements of the American Academy of the Colleges of Nursing Essentials, which outline the necessary curriculum content and expected competencies of graduates from baccalaureate programs in the United States. Completing these academic requirements allows students to complete the NCLEX-RN.
States may vary in fees and have specific requirements beyond the basic academic conditions for licensure. Specific state requirements can be accessed through NC Sara or the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
Undergraduate Nursing Scholarships
Listed below are endowed scholarships for Luther College nursing students, designated each year by nursing faculty and financial aid based on need. Students do not need to apply for these but will be notified if awarded. Please see attached list of possible undergraduate nursing scholarships for students to submit an application. Undergraduate List of Scholarships
The Abbey Jean Almelien Banh Scholarship, established with gifts from family and friends to honor the life of Abbey Jean Almelien Banh ’01, to be awarded to qualified students from Iowa, majoring in nursing with a demonstrated need for financial assistance.
The Bentdahl Award for Excellence in Nursing, established by Ann Bentdahl ’85 and Roger Smith, shall be awarded to nursing students of junior or senior standing, who wish to pursue a January or June nursing internship in the Twin Cities area, with preference given to students who carry out their internship within the Allina Health system. A maximum of ten awards will be made per academic year.
The Roger D. and Carol J. Berg Scholarship, established through the estate of Roger and Carol Berg, shall be awarded to qualified students who can show evidence of need for financial assistance, with first preference given to nursing students and students participating in Luther’s music activities.
The Karen Brubakken Scholarship in Nursing, established by Karen Brubakken ’73, shall be awarded to a qualified student with a demonstrated need for financial assistance with preference given to students in the nursing program.
The Cross Family Fund for Excellence in Nursing, established by Bert S. and Bernice Cross, is awarded to academically qualified students who are majoring in nursing.
The Bernice Fischer Cross and Bert S. Cross Perpetual Endowment for the Luther College Mayo Nursing Program and Health Sciences Program, established to honor the life and memory of Bernice Fischer Cross and the distinguished career of Bert S. Cross. This endowment is to be used for equal-share assistance for the Luther College nursing students enrolled in the curriculum provided in the Mayo Medical Center in Rochester, Minnesota (presently the junior academic year).
The Ellerman Endowed Scholarship in Nursing, established by Alvida C. Hale and Lillian E. Ellerman of Owatonna, Minnesota, shall be awarded to students majoring in Nursing with preference given to students who have demonstrated financial need.
The Jolene Elmore Nursing Scholarship, established by Dennis and Jolene Elmore, shall be awarded to students who can show evidence of financial need with first preference given to students majoring in nursing.
The Anne L. Ersig Scholarship in Nursing, established by Nathan ’98 and Anne Ersig, shall be awarded to a qualified junior or senior student, majoring in nursing, with a demonstrated need for financial assistance. Preference should be given to a student who aspires to continue on to graduate study in nursing.
The James S. and Judith L. Fogdall Scholarship, established by Jim ’64 and Judy (Larson) Fogdall ’65, shall be awarded to qualified third or fourth year students who have a demonstrated need for financial assistance. Preference shall be given to students pursuing a degree in nursing or education.
The George and Virginia Freund Scholarship, established in memory of George and Virginia Freund by Jerry Freund and Ann Highum, shall be awarded to qualified students with demonstrated need for financial assistance who are majoring in nursing, health science, or pre-medicine.
The Helene Furst Endowed Scholarship, established by Helene (Rowe) Furst ’48, shall be awarded to qualified students with demonstrated need for financial assistance. Preference shall be given to students who work in Preus Library, or who major in education or nursing.
The Dorothy I. Haugen Memorial Scholarship, established through a bequest in her Last Will and Testament, to be awarded to qualified students with demonstrated need for financial assistance, with preference given to students from Trempealeau and Jackson Counties, Wisconsin, who are preparing for a career in education, medicine, nursing, ministry or social services.
The Lester and Helen Hetager Scholarship, established through the estate of Lester ’39 and Helen Hetager, shall be awarded to qualified students with demonstrated need for financial assistance with a first preference for students from South Dakota, Colorado, Missouri, or Lincoln County, Minnesota, and a second preference for students planning a career in medicine, pharmacy, or nursing.
The Johnson-Grimm Family Scholarship, established by Maryln (Johnson) Grimm ’50, shall be awarded to qualified students with demonstrated need for financial assistance. Preference shall be given to students majoring in nursing.
The Darlene (Peterson) Jones and Robert B. Jones Scholarship Fund, established by Darlene (Peterson) ’55 and Robert Jones, shall be awarded to qualified students with demonstrated need for financial assistance, with preference given to students majoring in the visual arts, elementary education, or nursing.
The Ruth M. Lunde Nursing Scholarship, established through the estate of Ruth Lunde ’49, shall be awarded to qualified students who can show evidence of need for financial assistance, with preference given to junior or senior students majoring in nursing.
The Emersyn Ann Mullen Memorial Scholarship in Nursing, established by Paul ’79 and C. Elise (Barton) Mullen ’80 in recognition of and appreciation for the tremendous improvements being made in neonatal care, shall be awarded to qualified students with demonstrated need for financial assistance, with preference given to students in the nursing program.
The Charles Alden Neitzel Scholarship, established by Sandee (Neitzel) ’87 and Jon Joppa ’85 as a lasting remembrance of the joyous and welcoming spirit of Charles Alden Neitzel, shall be awarded to qualified students with demonstrated financial need who intend to major in a helping profession, e.g. social work or nursing.
The Karl H. and Anna B. Nordgaard Endowed Nursing Scholarship, established by Karl Nordgaard ’25, the first director of admissions for Luther College in memory of his wife, Anna, a nurse by profession. The scholarship shall be awarded to qualified students with demonstrated need for financial assistance majoring in nursing. Preference shall be given to minority and/or non-traditional students.
The Karl H. and Anna B. Nordgaard Memorial Nursing Award, established by Karlyn (Nordgaard) ’55 and John Cross in honor of Karl ’25 and Anna Nordgaard, shall be awarded to a senior nursing student who has demonstrated high standards of excellence in nursing studies and has a demonstrated need for financial assistance.
The Gudrun Lyngaas Osmundson Scholarship for Excellence in Nursing, established through the estate of Connie L. Osmundson ’71 in memory of her mother, Gudrun Lyngaas Osmundson. The scholarship shall be awarded to qualified students with a demonstrated need for financial assistance, with academic excellence, majoring in nursing.
The Rose and Burton Oyen Nursing/Health Care Scholarship, established by Duane Oyen ’66 in honor of his parents, Rose and Burton Oyen, shall be awarded to qualified students who can show evidence of need for financial assistance. First preference shall be given to junior or senior students majoring in nursing. If none available, preference shall be given to students who are considering a health care career.
The Esther E. Porter Scholarship, established by Arlene K. Leslie in memory of her aunt, Esther Porter, shall be awarded to qualified students who can show evidence of need for financial assistance. Preference shall be given to students majoring in nursing or interested in pursuing a career in a medical or health related profession.
The Marjorie Olney Running Memorial Scholarship, established by Orville Running in loving memory of his wife, Marjorie Lorraine Olney Running (1909-1969), shall be awarded to qualified students majoring in nursing.
The Catherine H. Ruosch Scholarship in Nursing, established by Rev. Dale ’62 and Catherine Ruosch, shall be awarded to qualified students with a demonstrated need for financial assistance, who are majoring in nursing. Preference shall be given to students who do not have access to the higher levels of merit-based awards.
The Jean A. Sorenson Scholarship, established by Beatrice S. Huseby in honor of her niece, Jean Sorenson ’74, shall be awarded to qualified students who can show evidence of need for financial assistance. Preference shall be given to students majoring in the field of education with intentions of becoming classroom teachers, or to students who are pursuing healthcare professions, to include pre-medicine, nursing, physical therapy, and pharmacy.
The Mark and Roxann Steine Scholarship in Pre-Medicine and Nursing, established by Mark and Roxanne Steine, shall be awarded to qualified students with demonstrated need for financial assistance, with preference given to students studying pre-medicine or nursing.
The Donna Story/Karl Jacobsen Nursing Scholarship, established by Karl Jacobsen ’72, shall be awarded to qualified students majoring in nursing with demonstrated need for financial assistance.
The Vaaler Family Scholarship, established by Thomas ’62 and Juanita Vaaler, shall be awarded to qualified students with demonstrated need for financial assistance. Preference shall be given to students majoring in education or nursing who participate in one or more Luther College music organizations.
The Dr. Lisa M. (Newcomer) ’81 and Mark C. Vail Nursing Scholarship, established by Lisa (Newcomer) ’81 and Mark Vail, shall be awarded to a sophomore, junior, or senior nursing major with a 3.0 or higher grade point average, recognized leadership qualities in campus activities or the Luther Student Nurses Association, and with demonstrated need for financial assistance.
The John A. and Carol M. Witt Scholarship, established by John ’57 and Carol Witt, shall be awarded to qualified students who can show evidence of need for financial assistance. Awards shall be divided equally between students majoring nursing and students majoring in business management.
At Luther College, we are inspired by our faithful roots to improve the health of all people and serve the greater good. We aspire to prepare graduates who can lead and reform healthcare in complex evolving environments through academic and clinical excellence.
Vision: Norse nurses are creative leaders in evidence based healthcare practice
Values: Integrity Collaboration Equity Social Justice Leadership Excellence Innovation Empathy
Norse Nurses: Bold reformers for the greater good of health and healthcare
The Department of Nursing celebrates its commitment to the Luther College rich liberal arts education where the combination of the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences and nursing’s specialized body of knowledge establish a unique foundation for graduates to enter the nursing profession as baccalaureate-prepared nurse generalists, leaders, and scholars.
The Nursing Simulation Center (NSC) offers a highly contextualized, complex, ever-changing environment that closely mimics what nurses encounter in real life. Renovated and expanded in 2022, it includes simulation manikins that emulate human patients (they even respond verbally!) in a realistic setup that includes three distinct patient rooms to approximate part of a hospital or care floor. Audio-visual equipment records simulations and allows faculty and students to highlight things that went well or find opportunities to improve.
The question of Luther College offering a major in nursing was raised during the spring of 1973. Drs. Russell Rulon and Phillip Reitan of the Department of Biology were particularly interested in the establishment of such a program.
As one faculty member stated: “The Christian concept of service fully justifies Luther’s undertaking to prepare qualified nursing personnel and to give them as well the kind of liberal arts education which we are capable of doing.” (Luther College Faculty Memo, December 5, 1973).
Coincidentally, the administration of Rochester Methodist Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota indicated a need for graduates of a baccalaureate nursing program and pledged support for such an endeavor by offering facilities for clinical experiences.
A study was conducted in the fall of 1973 to determine the feasibility of establishing a baccalaureate nursing program at Luther College. At this time there were no such programs in northeastern Iowa and a shortage of baccalaureate prepared nurses existed in Iowa. The results of the study together with a recommendation that the College endorse a nursing program led to the approval by the College faculty and the Board of Regents of a new baccalaureate nursing program in 1974.
In 1978, the Luther College Department of Nursing graduated its first class of 28. Since then over 950 students have completed the Luther College nursing program. Graduates have been employed in over 36 states as well as in such countries as Bolivia, Kenya, China, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, New Zealand, Guam and Malta.
The Nursing Program has continued its strong nursing clinical tradition in Rochester, MN at Methodist and St. Mary’s Hospitals. However, the department was in need of a facility that could accommodate the growing class size for lecture and project work. In 2011, the nursing department began its partnership with Zumbro Lutheran Church, just a short few blocks from the Gonda building of Mayo Clinic. This site has been facilitated as a lecture space for nursing students and faculty.
The nursing department has indeed reinforced the mission of the college—to undertake the Christian concept of service to church, society, and the world.
The pinning ceremony tradition first began during the Crusades with the identification of those tending the ill and injured with the Maltese cross, evolving to the recognition of nursing excellence in the days of Florence Nightingale, and now to our current tradition that uses this ceremony and our pin to welcome each graduate into the nursing profession.
The history of our own nursing pin is outlined in the program. In 1978, the first class of Luther nursing graduates celebrated their accomplishments and is credited with the pin’s design. Some of you had the pleasure of meeting the pin’s actual designer in the fall of 2019, Paula Stecker, wife of Ironside Distinguished Lecture in Nursing Carl Stecker. Norse Nurses, you join a long and growing tradition of creative and distinguished Luther nurses. Welcome!
Designed by the first graduating class in 1978, the pin reflects the philosophy of Luther College. The cross of Christ standing on the rock of faith is in the center. The Luther motto, “Soli Deo Gloria” (“to God alone the glory”) circles the cross. The design of a ruby with an encrusted letter “L” is identical to that of the Luther College ring. In addition, the lamp of light, symbolic of the nursing profession, is encrusted in gold upon the stone.