Connect Learning with Living
Connect your curiosity in the classroom to the individual and social elements of daily life. Imagine and evaluate your ethical responsibilities. Discover how to align your values with community action.
The Luther College Center for Ethics and Public Engagement (The CEPE, pronounced “The Keep”) designs opportunities to help you become an informed, engaged, and critical thinking global citizen. Experience one of our public events, join a book group, or partner with The CEPE in community outreach.
The CEPE Theme for 2024-2025: Sovereignties
Sign up for our Book Groups
Analyze and critique books, albums, films, and essays with other interested readers.
Book GroupsRead Faculty Features
Discover how Luther College faculty shape their fields, students, and the future.
Stories2024 Election Resources
Explore a collection of resources to help ensure you are informed and prepared for the 2024 election.
ELECTION RESOURCESMeet The CEPE Faculty Research Fellow
The 2023-2025 Research Fellow is Associate Professor of English Lindsey Row-Heyveld. She is using her Fellowship at the CEPE to explore representations of disability and able-bodiedness in early modern England. Thinking about issues of intimacy and care is guiding her project to disability’s intersections with transness and gender fluidity, especially throughout the life cycle. The CEPE fellowship also supports Lindsey’s work to theorize carelessness as a critical component of able-bodiedness and to foster access and care in scholarly and community circles at Luther and beyond.
Year in Review at The CEPE
Over the course of the 2023-2024 academic school year The CEPE arranged eleven major events for the Luther community and beyond, from hosting the former Director of the CDC to a planetarium multimedia experience of Anishinaabe star knowledge. We collaborated with faculty, staff, and students in funding book groups, guest speakers, and more.
The CEPE Staff
Learn about the team steering the center. If you have questions, ideas, or feedback, find out how to reach us.
Contact UsThe CEPE Funding
The CEPE offers funding for conferences, seminars, on-campus programming, and faculty research.
Learn about funding opportunities