Biology Colloquium

Valders Hall of Science, 206

"White Nose Syndrome in Bats and Infant Mortality in Georgia", Simon Metcalfe, Augusta University

J-term 2026 Off-Campus Course Reveal

Valders Hall of Science, 206

Come hear about the exciting courses proposed for January 2026. Pick up the brochure listing all courses and find out […]

Biology Colloquium

Valders Hall of Science, 206

"Understanding Nature's Alchemists: Applications of Targeted and Untargeted Metabolomics in Life Sciences", Kate Freund Saxhaug '11, Dept. of Horticultural Sciences, […]

Biology Colloquium

Valders Hall of Science, 206

"Five Steps to the Sea—How Land Animals Became "Sea Monsters" in the Dinosaur Era", Ryosuke Motani, Ph.D. PBK lecture, Professor […]

Biology Colloquium

Valders Hall of Science, 206

"Blending Butterfly Conservation within Agroecosystems", Katheryn Kral-O'Brien, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, Iowa State University