Event Support Request
Events and Audio-Visual requests are now being taken through our Self-Service ticket site at help.luther.edu. For more in-depth directions on how to create a ticket, go to the Ticket Instructions page.
For best service, please include the following information in your request:
- Name
- Phone Number
- Date & Time for the Event (e.g. September 1st, 5pm to 7pm)
- Location
- Equipment Needed (e.g. LCD Projector, Laptop, Sound System, Screen, etc)
- Any other important information to help the event run smoothly
Event support requests require five (5) working days notice when possible due to finite resources and time for setup. Attempts will be made to accommodate last minute requests or changes but cannot be guaranteed. In most cases, Multimedia staff will be available for setup and tear-down of on-campus events contingent upon their availability. Support may be limited during busier times of the year.
All users agree to abide by the Equipment Loan Agreement and the Audio Visual and Event Guidelines. See items available.
Please keep in mind that ITS equipment is meant for spoken word or light audio performances and is not intended for large scale events.