Institutional Research

Kayla Bourquin
Institutional Research Analyst

Phone: 563-387-1031

Institutional Research

What We Do and Why

The demands for accurate and timely institutional information, both internally and externally, are great; the Office of Assessment & Institutional Research (AIR), established in 2003, serves the college by addressing this need through the gathering, interpreting, and sharing of data.

Internally, we provide information to many constituents—admissions, student life, development, the Center for Intercultural Engagement and Student Success, faculty groups—indeed, any place at Luther where self-knowledge is essential. Our information-gathering extends from demographic data about the campus community to participation in co-curricular activities, persistence and graduation rates to faculty and student satisfaction. We conduct research on a variety of aspects of college life, giving special focus to the assessment of student learning.

Externally, we are tasked with providing data to a variety of agencies concerned with accountability in higher education. This charge includes annual compilation and filing of the Common Data Set and IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) which comprise the official statistical data for the college. AIR is responsive to the ever-growing demands for information as well as heading Luther’s reaccreditation efforts.

The collection, analysis, and ultimately communication of data is vital for informed decision-making campus-wide. AIR enthusiastically provides this support to the college community.

Coming Soon

An IR KATIE page will be available soon for direct access to archived data such as survey results, institutional profiles, enrollment summaries and assessment resources.

Higher Education Data Sharing logoLuther College is a member of the Higher Education Data Sharing (HEDS) Consortium, which consists of 129 small, private, nonprofit institutions around the country that are committed to sharing and using information to more fully enact their missions and promote effective liberal arts education.

Institutional Research

Kayla Bourquin
Institutional Research Analyst

Phone: 563-387-1031