Contact Information

Lydia Slattery
Media Relations Specialist

Phone: 563-387-1417

Luther College News

Six Luther College students have each received a $1,000 Steven Mark Anderson Scholarship for the 2018-19 academic year. Recipients of the scholarship were announced during the Luther College TRIO Celebration Banquet on April 11. Recipients include Italee Castellon, Anneleise Frie, Brooke Johnson, Marissa Kruse, Colten Lowley and Linh Luong.

May 3, 2018

Luther sophomore Joshua Burniece of Burnsville, Minnesota, won the 2018 Rosholt Distinction scholarship in Collaborative Keyboard Performance Sunday, April 29, in the amount of $1,250.

May 3, 2018

Using anecdotes from her personal life to encourage readers to become actively engaged citizens and human beings, Luther College Associate Professor of English Amy Weldon has released a new book, “The Hands-On Life: How to Wake Yourself Up and Save the World.”

April 23, 2018

Luther College Professor Richard Bernatz recently had two pieces published in academic journals. “The Math Inquiry Workshop” was published in Consortium: the newsletter of the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 112, in the Spring-Summer 2017 edition, and “A statistical, spatial and hydrologic comparison of gauge-based and MPE-based rainfall measurements” was published in the Journal of Iowa Academic Sciences, vol. 124, in February 2018.

April 17, 2018

Luther College junior Ananda Easley was awarded the Psi Chi Regional Research Award for her collaborative research on the psychological and social development that occurs in middle adulthood and how it correlates with alcohol use.

April 13, 2018

Including Academy Award nominated “Heroin(e),” and Luther College Professor Thomas C. Johnson and Luther Director of Visual Media Aaron Lurth’s new short film “Marieke,” the 2018 Oneota Film Festival will be held April 19-22, on the Luther campus and in downtown Decorah.

April 13, 2018

Born the son of a famous Israeli general, Mike Peled grew up as a Jewish Zionist in Israel. Following the death of his niece at the hands of a Palestinian suicide bomber, Peled went through a process of self-discovery, questioning what he’d grown up believing about Israeli policy about Palestine.

April 3, 2018

Longtime anchor of ABC News’ Nightline, Ted Koppel, will give Luther College’s 2018 Roslien Distinguished Lecture at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, in Luther’s Center for Faith and Life Main Hall. The lecture, “Science and Policy: Communication in the Twenty-First-Century World of Fake News,” discusses the issue of science information, public policy and “fake news” as a communication black hole that must be addressed with priority for the world to have a chance of making critical decisions about issues that will greatly affect the future of the youth of today.

March 29, 2018

“Those Who Can Do Teach,” a series of mixed-media works by Luther College recent alumni art educators, will be on display in the Preus Library April 12 through May 27. The artists involved include Micayla Irmiter, class of 2014; Jenna Darsee, Jenny Bonnell and Katie Mathis, class of 2015; Lars Johnson and Robin Schone Hengesteg, class of 2016; and Maxwell Green, class of 2017.

March 29, 2018

Area women of all ages will have an opportunity to learn more about financial management, retirement and estate planning, and charitable giving at the 14th annual Women, Faith and Finance seminar on Friday, April 6.

March 22, 2018

Contact Information

Lydia Slattery
Media Relations Specialist

Phone: 563-387-1417