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Michelle Volkmann
Media Relations Specialist

Phone: 563-387-1417

Luther College presents Climate Justice Week from April 25-May 2

Exploring various climate-related issues through lectures, a water walk and performances, the Luther College presents Climate Justice Week April 25-May 2.

The week’s events begin with a lecture presented by Jim Martin-Schramm, Luther professor religion and director of the Center for Sustainable Communities, titled “Luther’s Path to Carbon Neutrality,” at 9:45 a.m. Thursday, April 25, in Peace Dining Room.

A lecture by Eric Baack, Luther associate professor of biology, and Jodi Enos-Berlage, Luther professor of biology, titled “What is in our water? Testing for disease-causing organisms in Winneshiek County’s springs, streams and private wells” The lecture will be at 7 p.m. Monday, April 29, in the Decorah Public Library Meeting Room and will discuss research done in summer 2018 by a team of Luther faculty and students, and scientists from the U.S. Geological Service and U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Luther’s annual David J. Roslien Lecture on Science and Leadership will be presented by world famous climate scientist, James Hansen, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 1, in the Center for Faith and Life Main Hall. Hansen’s lecture is titled “Shape Your Future: Energy, Climate and Human Rights.” The lecture is open to the public with no charge for admission. A question and answer session and book signing will follow the lecture.

In partnership with the Decorah Middle School, members of the Luther community will participate in the Decorah Walk for Water, a water-awareness walk to the Upper Iowa River at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, May 2, beginning in the Olin parking lot on Luther’s campus. Buckets of water will be collected and carried through town, emulating the effort it takes for most of the world’s population to get their water. The walk is part of a fundraising effort, in concert with the ELCA group Water to Thrive, to build a well at a site in Tanzania.

The week’s events will conclude with a performance by Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, hip-hop artist and Earth Guardians youth director, at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 2, in Bentdahl Commons on the Luther campus. Martinez was the youngest person ever to speak before the United Nations and now at the age of 18 he travels the world energizing young people to address climate change. He has worked locally to get pesticides out of parks, coal ash contained, moratoriums on fracking and is currently a plaintiff in a youth-led lawsuit against the federal government for its failure to protect the atmosphere for future generations.

Martinez’s performance is open to the public with no charge for admission. The Luther Center for the Arts atrium will serve as a rain location.

Climate Justice Week is sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Public Engagement and the Center for Sustainable Communities. For more information on Climate Justice Week and a complete schedule of events visit

A national liberal arts college with an enrollment of 2,005, Luther offers an academic curriculum that leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree in more than 60 majors and pre-professional programs. For more information about Luther visit the college’s website:

Contact Information

Michelle Volkmann
Media Relations Specialist

Phone: 563-387-1417