Contact Information

Lydia Slattery
Media Relations Specialist

Phone: 563-387-1417

Luther College announces new academic program offerings

At their February board meeting, the Luther College Board of Regents approved two new academic programs. Beginning in the fall of 2022, students will be able to major in law and values and minor in counseling.

“These new interdisciplinary academic programs demonstrate our faculty’s innovative spirit and steadfast commitment to offering majors and minors that prepare students to meet the demands of today’s complex society,” said Provost Lynda Szymanski. “These offerings are distinct among our peers and will make students more competitive when applying for graduate schools and jobs. The law and values major will ground students in both theory and application and will empower students to become leaders in law, business, politics, civil service, and the nonprofit sector, while the counseling minor is designed to complement majors associated with helping professions.”

The law and values major

The new law and values program at Luther College is rooted in the fact that most social problems have moral, legal, political, and economic factors. Luther’s experienced and knowledgeable faculty members in the areas of economics, political science, and philosophy will teach courses designed to help students understand the systems that shape society so they may effectively engage in important conversations of law, policy, and the common good.

“I am really looking forward to the launch of this new major,” said Steve Holland, professor of economics. “My colleagues and I are excited about building a community of curious students interested in wrestling with big questions. While it is often easy to get discouraged by the current state of the world, this is the perfect time to start a new major that encourages our students to find creative ways to solve problems.”

Students majoring in law and values will be well-equipped for law school, graduate programs in public policy and similar fields, and for the workplace.

The counseling minor

Luther College’s mission is deeply rooted in helping others. This new counseling minor was designed to complement a number of majors, specifically those that lead students into helping professions, medical careers, or graduate school.

“I am thrilled that we have been able to create a minor that is attractive to students in various majors at the college!” said Britt Rhodes, professor of social work. “The counseling minor will provide students with important knowledge and skill sets for advanced degrees in social work or counseling to meet the ever-growing need for practitioners to provide mental health services. At the same time, the counseling minor will also provide basic knowledge and skills to students in other majors for career success even if you aren’t planning to work directly in the counseling field.”

The counseling minor is unique to Luther in that no other college or university in the region offers a similar minor. Faculty members from Luther’s psychology and social work departments teach the courses for this interdisciplinary program.

About Luther College

Luther College is home to about 1,800 undergraduates who explore big questions and take action to benefit people, communities and society. Our 60+ academic programs, experiential approach to learning and welcoming community inspire students to learn actively, live purposefully and lead courageously for a lifetime of impact. Learn more at

Contact Information

Lydia Slattery
Media Relations Specialist

Phone: 563-387-1417