The “Luther supts.”
School districts across the country are getting tested to their very limits as they face the challenge of how to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Superintendents across the country are on the front lines, making decisions that will affect how children learn and how education is delivered moving forward.
In Minnesota, eight of these superintendents share a common bond—we are Luther College graduates.
The Luther supts., as we call ourselves, serve over 57,000 pre-K to 12th-grade students in Minnesota. We vary from small school districts to some of the largest districts in the state. We all have a common mission of serving kids and making sure all students are successful. That mission continues as we lead our districts through this pandemic.
As we reassure families, care for kids, support our teachers, and help our communities, we want our Luther family to know that we, along with the other superintendents in the US, are making a difference. I remember a quote from one of my favorite professors, Walt Will: “Go out there and be the best superintendent you can be.” This was even before I became a superintendent. That is exactly what these superintendents in Minnesota are doing today.
Thank you, Luther College!
Todd Sesker ’85
Faribault Public Schools