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A multimedia evening that’ll leave you looking up! The program will start in Valders 206 with a 25-minute film entitled Living in Balance: Anishinaabe Star Knowledge. The film highlights Anishinaabe stories of constellations and moons in relation to contemporary insights about environmental changes. Teachings shared by Native Skywatchers Carl Gawboy, William Wilson, and Dr. Annette S. Lee are narrated by Aarin Dokum with Anishinaabemowin translations by Alphonse Pitawanakwat set to art by Elizabeth LaPensée.
Immediately following the film, attendees will move next door to the Luther College planetarium in Valders for a presentation by Physics professor Jeff Wilkerson that will feature key elements in Living in Balance. The planetarium has a maximum capacity of 30, so this part of the program will be on a first come, first served basis.
After the planetarium visit, attendees are invited to go outside (weather permitting) to reflect on the film and presentation while observing the night sky.
The CEPE is making this event open to everyone and with no charge for admission. We thank Elizabeth LaPensée and the Abrams Planetarium for permission to share their powerful project.