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Ryan Standfest, J-term guest artist, will give a gallery talk in the Wigley-Fleming Gallery in the Center for the Arts at the closing of his exhibition entitled “From Stope to Spoil Tip.”
Ryan (b. 1974, Detroit, MI) is an artist, writer, and publisher. He received a BFA in Drawing and Printmaking from Wayne State University and an MFA in Printmaking from the University of Iowa. He founded Rotland Press in 2010, for which he has edited a collection of comic strips by David Lynch, two volumes of political prints by Sue Coe, and a collection of early satirical cartoons by H.R. Giger. Standfest contributed a chapter to Radical Dreams: Surrealism, Counterculture, Resistance, edited by Elliott H. King and Abigail Susik (Penn State University Press, 2022). He is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Art, Drawing and Painting, at Oakland University, in Rochester, Michigan. He lives and works in Detroit, Michigan. ryanstandfest.com
4-6 p.m. Gallery Closing Reception
6 p.m. Artist Talk
Dates of the Exhibition: January 26 – March 15