Texts and Issues Lecture Series

The Nancy K. Barry Writing Center is a resource available to all Luther students who seek assistance in writing. We believe that all writers benefit from collaboration.

The “Paideia Texts and Issues Lecture Series,” sponsored by the Paideia Endowment since 1983, encourages intellectual discussion across disciplinary lines. The Paideia Governing Board selects four to five presentation proposals each year from faculty across the campus to present to the college community on issues or texts that are central to the The Liberal Arts.

2021-2022 Texts and Issues Lecture Series: “Decolonizing Paideia? Revising the Products and Processes of Education”

September 28, 2021:
“Opening Ourselves to the World: Navigating a Global-Critical Curriculum” with Gereon Kopf.
7:00 p.m. in the CFL Recital Hall

November 2, 2021:
“Decolonized Approaches to Teaching Religious Studies” with Todd Green, Robert Shedinger, and Wanda Deifelt.
7:00 p.m. in the CFL Recital Hall

February 15, 2022, “Decolonizing the Music Theory Classroom” with Brooke Joyce.
7:00 p.m. in the CFL Recital Hall and streamed here

“Critiques of Colonialism in the History of Science and the Possibility of Post-Colonial Science Pedagogy” with Brian Caton and Todd Pedlar.