Admissions Office
Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101
Phone: 563-387-1287
College Finals and Time Management
Finals week. It can be a stressful time for most college students. As someone who is about to enter college, you might be wondering how you can best prepare for finals. It’s in your best interest to think ahead, plan, and decide what you need to do to be ready.
Here are some great tips that can help you prepare and do your best:
Prioritize wisely.
Organize your tasks into categories: important and urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, not urgent, and not important. Work down the list by starting with the “important and urgent” tasks, and check each one off as you go.
Eliminate distractions.
Pay attention to the number of times you become distracted while working on an important task. What’s distracting you? How is this distraction affecting your ability to accomplish your tasks effectively? How can this distraction be eliminated? If your phone is a distraction, turn it off while working on your tasks.
KNOW that it is okay to say no.
Whether you need to focus on some important tasks or require some time to yourself, remember that it is okay to say no to activities that may distract or overwhelm you. This might include staying in your room to finish an assignment that is due tomorrow, or putting off some reading until the next day to ensure that you make it to bed on time.
Take time for yourself.
Ensuring there is time in your day for things like sleep and movement is important for your overall health and wellbeing. Planning time for self care and taking scheduled breaks will help you cope with stress.
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Admissions Office
Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101
Phone: 563-387-1287