Admissions Office
Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101
Phone: 563-387-1287
5 Tips for a Great Tutoring Experience
It’s March now, and with March comes projects, papers, and, for many people, a lot of homework. And sometimes that means you might need a tutor to help you get through—and that’s great! That’s what tutors are here for. But, before you pack up your backpack and head over to get to work, here are some helpful hints to let you get the most out of your experience.
1) Be happy about it
Needing a tutor isn’t a bad thing. It just means you’ve recognized that you need a little help. Tutoring doesn’t mean you’re failing. In fact, it’s often the opposite. Most people who want tutors just want to do better and feel more comfortable with their work. It’s a sign of a good student when you decide to get help, so be happy when you decide to make that decision.
2) Come to your appointments
This one’s pretty simple, but it’s worth saying: make sure you go to your tutoring sessions! It’s no help to you if you don’t go to your appointments, and it’s not fun for your tutor to wait for you if you aren’t coming. It doesn’t do you any good to lose time studying, practicing, and learning. And it doesn’t take much time to get tutored. We only ask half an hour weekly, and once you’ve made the decision to get started, you might as well spare the time.
3) Use other resources
Tutoring is not the be-all and end-all of your educational experience. It’s merely one available resource as you work through your classes. Don’t be afraid to reach out to classmates, go to drop-in tutoring sessions, visit the library, talk to your professors, and use any other resources if you need them. Sometimes your tutor won’t have all the answers, so it’s your job to know what other options you have. There are people all around campus whose job it is to help you, and tutors are just one group of them.
4) Know what you need
Come into this process knowing what you’re looking for. If you need writing help, let us know! If you want to work on your study skills, great. But we can’t help you with what you need unless you let us know. And you can’t do that unless you know yourself. So, before you get a tutor, and as the semester progresses, take a few minutes to think about what you’re looking for, so we can help you find it.
5) Remember: this is for you
This is the big one. This experience is for you. It is for you to succeed and to grow. If you decide you’ve learned what you need, you’re free to end your contract. If you want to work with your tutor for multiple semesters, that’s great too. The point is, regardless of why you’ve decided to be tutored, it’s your choice how this process goes. Enjoy it, use it, make the most of it! And have a great semester.
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Admissions Office
Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101
Phone: 563-387-1287