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GREECE IN USA presents Galan Trio’s “Kinesis,” a survey on the music of contemporary
American composers in an original, multifaceted concert program. The project draws from a
collaboration between Galan Trio and professors of composition from selected US
Universities, and from the notion of “Kinesis.” Kinesis is an undirected movement of a cell,
organism, or part, in response to an external stimulus. In Greek, Kinesis means movement,
motion. Motion is a fundamental characteristic of all living beings; motion is what all
musicians worldwide have desired during the last couple of years; motion alludes to
continuity and it’s a promise for the future of “Kinesis” itself.
The first edition of the project featured the work of composers Nikitas Demos, Martin
Gendelman, Paul Richards, Scott Robbins and Yiorgos Vassilandonakis who contributed one
original work for piano trio reflecting on the period of the pandemic. The second edition
featured the work of Matthew Greenbaum, Todd Groves, John Levey, David Martynuik, Ken
Steen and David Thomas. The November 2022 edition features the work of Alex Lubet, Mary
Ellen Haupert, Daniel Powers, Jeffrey Kowalkowksi, Pantelis Bolarakis, Dylan Findley, Navid
Bargrizan and Brooke Joyce.
The concert is part of GREECE IN USA’s new program GREECE NOW under the auspices of
the Ministry of Culture focusing on Greek artists who experiment with “nowness” and reflect
upon the ubiquity and social ramifications of “nowness” in their work.
Watch the livestream on the Music Department YouTube Channel