Em Dreiling

Pursuing Her Passions
When she first visited, Em Dreiling ’03 knew Luther was for her. While on campus, she attended a Luther production where she saw how much fun theatre students were having. Em also loved the fact that there were good programs in both of her passions, theatre and psychology. “The people were wonderful and instilled a love of learning and creativity that continues to inspire me,” she says.
Em also participated in other activities at Luther. “I dabbled in intramural badminton, I directed the Vagina Monologues, and worked with the international student office,” she says. “I tried to be a part of any social justice dialogue.” Em feels that participating in many different aspects of life at Luther prepared her for work as a psychologist.
Try everything. There are so many opportunities to become involved at Luther. Follow your passions and interests to the many different areas they may take you.
Em Dreiling '03
Path after Graduation
Em’s degree from Luther has taken her to surprising places. After graduation, she traveled to Los Angeles to pursue acting. This was a fun, but difficult part of her life. “I had to think about where I could do the most good in the world. So I went back to school to get my master’s degree in couples and family therapy,” Em says.
Then, she went on to get her Ph.D. at the University of Northern Colorado. Em is now working in a private practice in Virginia, where she works with clients ages 13 and up on various psychological concerns and disorders.
“I can say with absolute certainty that my life has not gone at all the way I thought that it would, which is just fine,” Em says.
Work-Study Experience
While at Luther, like many other students, Em held a variety of work-study positions. She worked in the cafeteria and in the international student office where she worked with students from around the world.
Em also worked for the theatre program. “My work was wonderful in how it exposed me to all that goes into a production, such as choosing a play, set and costume design, auditions, casting, tech, crew, and performance,” Em says.